More and more couples are composed of two highly educated partners with high potential. The dual career couple is one in which both heads of household pursue careers and at the same time maintain a family life together. Superficially it could be seen as a work life balance issue: so many hours of childcare, so many hours at the office, etc. However the challenge is more complex. It implies for both members of the couple to understand their own identity, desires, fears and culture. It also implies to embrace uncertainty and to expand their horizons to include the other’s priorities.
By helping understand the dimensions of this challenge, we empower them to own their own career and life choices; so that they build not only successful careers, but also fulfilling lives.
Audience, demographics and positioning
This master class is designed for students challenged by the impact that their dual career relationship brings them. This master class is both for men and women of any marital status. It is relevant for married couples, for couples living together, for international couples, for parents and for couples without children. They can register either as a couple or as an individual.
The Make a Dual Career Couple Thrive program is comprised of two elements: a one day Master Class and individual coaching sessions the week afterwards.
The Make a Dual Career Couple Thrive Master Class is an interactive session that introduces students to the challenges and possibilities of a Dual Career Couple. The master class has high energy content and takes one full day. We’ll use diverse case studies for this session. The case assignments require students to answer an open-ended question or develop a solution to an open-ended problem with multiple potential solutions. This will facilitate the group discussion and the individual self-reflection.